École de danse Demidoff Florence

Via P.G. Boffito, 48 - 50127 Firenze
The instruction of the dance to the inside of the Demidoff school is conceived like an opportunity turned to all those who has desire to practice this discipline, is like simple activity for just the psycho-physical well-being, is like impegnativa activity for a distance of professional type.
The school therefore is structured so as to to offer course it differentiates to you and it articulates to you on several levels, based on the requirements, to the abilities, to objects you of every student. Particular cure and attention are dedicated to infancy, with programs that the possibility gives to the children to learn professional in.modo.serio and the first rudimenti of the dance through a ludica activity and being socialized, in a position to improving their creative, rithmic and expressive abilities.
The association moreover has widened the own activity starting course of theatre for adults and children, offering an ulterior deepening and enrichment to the formation of the students.
Classic Dance - contemporary - modern
Hip Hop
Professional Formation